Periscópio Internacional – 2007 Calendar – July

4 – I Brazil-European Union Summit. In Lisbon, Portugal.

5 – International Conference on Biofuels. Organized by the European Union. In Brussels, Belgium.

5–7 – MERCOSUL Social Forum. In Curitiba, Brazil.

4–8 – Congress of the Brazilian National Students’ Union.

6–8 – Brazil, Mercosul and Latin America Cooperativism and Solidarity Economy Fairs. In Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

13–15 –
Brazil’s Workers’ Party (PT) state congresses.

13–15 – II Congress of the Communist Youth of Paraguay.

13–29 – Pan American Games. In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

15–30 – I International Politics Course, organized by the International Relations Department of Brazil’s Workers’ Party (PT) and the Perseu Abramo Foundation, with the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. In São Paulo, Brazil.

19 – Anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution. In Nicarágua.

20–21 – Meeting of the São Paulo Forum Working Group. In Nicaragua.

20–22 – Brazil’s Workers’ Party (PT) state congresses.

23–24 – Seminar “Experiences in Party Building in Latin America”. Organized by UNDP-Bolivia and International IDEA. In La Paz, Bolivia.

25 – Day of the “Galician Homeland”. Promoted by the Galician Nationalist Bloc. In Santiago de Compostela.

25 – Seminar on mechanisms for the participation of Civil Society in the UNASUL. In Quito, Ecuador.

25–27 – IV Meeting of the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Committee for Social Inclusion and Participative Democracy. In Florianópolis, Brazil.

25–27 – III Congress of the Latin-American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Associations (FLACMA). In Florianópolis, Brazil.

27–29 – Brazil’s Workers’ Party (PT) state congresses.
