Periscópio Internacional – 2007 Calendar – September

7 – Cry of the Excluded. In Brazil

7 – Meeting of the Council of the Mercocities Network. In Caracas, Venezuela.

7–9 – Party of the Avante. Sponsored by the Portuguese Communist Party and newspaper Avante.

9 – General elections in Guatemala.

10 – Latin American Studies Association (LASA) International Congress (LASA), with the participation of the Perseu Abramo Foundation. In Montreal, Canada.

13–14 – Seminar Regional Integration Policies: successful experiences in Mercocities. In Tangil, Argentina.

13-14 – International Trade Union Conference. Promoted by the World Federation of Trade Unions. In Brussels, Belgium.

15–16 – Party of newspaper l’Humanité. In Saint Denis, France.

21–23 – Party of the Spanish Communist Party.
