Periscópio Internacional – 2007 Calendar – June

Pending definition – Congress of Brazil’s National Students’ Union (UNE)

1–3 – Meeting of the Andean regional section of the São Paulo Forum. In Bolivia.

2–3 – Brazil’s Workers’ Party (PT) zone congresses.

8 – G8 Meeting. In Rostock, Germany.

16–17 –
Brazil’s Workers’ Party (PT) municipal congresses.

23–24 – Brazil’s Workers’ Party (PT) municipal congresses.

25 – II Meeting of the Mercosul Parliament. In Montevideo, Uruguay.

25–26 – Meeting of the São Paulo Forum Southern Cone Regional. In Asunción, Paraguay.

26–27 – 23rd. Meeting of the Mercosul Common Market Council. In Asunción, Paraguay.

27–July 1 – United States Social Forum. In Atlanta, USA.

28 – Meeting of the Consultative Forum of the Mercosul Municipalities, States, Departments and Provinces. In Asunción, Paraguay.

28–29 – Meeting of the São Paulo Forum Andean Regional. In La Paz, Bolivia.

28–29 – II Social Summit for the Integration of the Peoples. In Asunción, Paraguay.

29 – Mercosul Presidential Summit. In Asunción, Paraguay.

29–30 – Meeting of the Socialist International Council.
