Periscópio Internacional – 2007 Calendar – April

13 – Conference on trade-union policy of the German Party of the Left.PDS. In Hamburg, Germany.

14-15 – Seminar “Immigrants, protagonists of another integration”, organized by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and by the Pastoral of the Migrant. In São Paulo, Brazil.

16 – Celebration of Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s 30 years in Brazil.

17 – International Peasants’ Struggle Day. Organized by La Via Campesina.

17–18 – Seminar “New Dynamics in International Politics: Brazil as a regional and global actor”, organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. In São Paulo, Brazil.

19 – Seminar of the Mercosul Observatory “The South-American Community of Nations after the Cochabamba Summit: breakthroughs and challenges and the energy question”, organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. In Santiago, Chile.

19–21 – 4th National Congress of the Democrats of the Left. In Florence, Italy.

22 – National Assembly of the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity (URNG) for presentation of party’s electoral candidates.

22 – First round of the presidential election in France.

24–25 – Seminar “The functioning of political systems: the cases of Germany, Spain and France”, organized by the Perseu Abramo Foundation, in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Jean-Jaurès Foundation and the Pablo Iglesias Foundation. In Brasília, Brazil.

27–29 – 4th Congress of the Party of Italian Communists. In Rimini, Italy.
