Periscópio Internacional – 2006 Calendar – November

3-4 – II Civic Meeting of the XVI Iberian-American Summit of Heads of State and Government. In Piriápolis, Uruguay.

4-5XVI Iberian-American Summit. In Montevideo, Uruguay.

5 – Presidential and legislative elections in Nicaragua.

06 –
Seminario “Economía Social y Cooperativas: Instrumentos para la Inclusión Social y Laboral”, organizado por Reunido Especializada de Cooperativas del MERCOSUL, en Montevideo.

6-7Socialist International Council. In Santiago, Chile.

6-10Mozambican Social Forum. In Maputo, Mozambique.

8 – VI Mercosul Family Farming Specialized Meeting. In Porto Alegre, Brazil.

09 y 10Reunión especializada de la Mujer del Mercosur y Seminario Género e Integración Regional, en Rio de Janeiro.

World Social Forum India. In Delhi, India.

10-12 – XV Congress of the Portuguese Socialist Party.

13 y 14 – XIV Encuentro por la Cooperación y la solidaridad de las Alcaldías con La Habana. En La Habana, Cuba.

13 y 14 – Reunión del Observatorio de los partidos progresistas del Cono Sur, organizada por la Fundación Friedrich Ebert. En Montevideo, Uruguay.

15 a 18 – IV Encuentro Nacional de Educación Social, en Belo Horizonte.

17-18 – Seminar “The European Union and Central America and the Caribbean: toward a different cooperation”, organized by the European Unitarian Left (GUE/NGL) of the European Parliament. In Madrid, Spain.

17-19 – Latin-American and Caribbean Congress for the Independence of Puerto Rico, organized by the Independence Party of Puerto Rico, the PRD of Panama, the COPPAL and the Socialist International. In Panama.

17 a 19 – Foro Social de Puerto Rico.

19 – Municipal elections in Peru.

19 – Municipal elections in Paraguay.

21-23III Mercosul Educational Forum. In Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

24-26 – XIII Congress of the Communist Party of Chile.

24-30 – World Cultural Forum. In Rio de janeiro.

25-26Social Forum Chile. In Santiago, Chile.

29-Dec 1 – 12th Mercosur Cities Summit. In Morón, Argentina.

30 a 02/12 –
I Congreso de Unidad del Polo Democrático Alternativo. En Bogotá, Colombia.
