Periscópio Internacional – 2006 Calendar – August

7-11 – International Conference “Voices of nuestra America”, organized by the City of Fortaleza, the Federal University of Ceará, and the Florestan Fernandes National School.

10-11 – International Seminar “Mercosur: a perspective of the local governments and civil society”. In Santo André, São Paulo.

16 – Agrarian Reform Meeting with the presence of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. In Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

18-19 – Seminar on the experiences of the São Paulo Forum member parties in government. In Montevideo, Uruguay.

20 – Meeting of the São Paulo Forum Working Group. In Montevideo, Uruguay.

20-25 –
XXII General Assembly of CLACSO and IV Latin-American and Caribbean Social Sciences Conference.

31-Sept 1 – September 2nd Meeting of Workers Party (PT) militants living abroad. In Lisbon, Portugal

31-Sept 19 – Newspaper L’Unità national celebration. In Pesaro, Italy. Hosted by the Leftist Democrats Party.
