Periscópio Internacional – 2006 Calendar – December

1-3 – World Cultural Forum. In Salvador.

2-3 – 12th National Assembly of the Galician Nationalist Bloc. In Santiago de Compostela, Galicia.

3 – Elections in Venezuela.

5-6 – VI Mercosul High Authorities Meeting on Human Rights. In Brasília, Brazil.

5-8 – VI Mercosul Expert Meeting on Family Farming. In Porto Alegre, Brazil.

7-8 –
Congress of the European Socialist Party. In Porto, Portugal.

7-8 –
Meeting of the São Paulo Forum Working Group. In Cochabamba, Bolivia.

8-9 –
Social Summit for the Integration of the Peoples/Presidential Summit of the South American Community of Nations. In Cochabamba, Bolivia.

13-14 –
Mercosul Social Summit. In Brasília, Brazil.

14 – 14 – Opening of the Mercosul Parliament – Inaugural Session. In Brasília, Brazil.
