In another step of its nuclear program, the Iranian government announced it is producing enriched uranium at a 3.5% purity level, enough to generate electric energy.

In another step of its nuclear program, the Iranian government announced it is producing enriched uranium at a 3.5% purity level, enough to generate electric energy. The enrichment level required to produce atomic bombs is over 90%, a much more complex task to accomplish.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) continues stating that it is still unclear whether the Iranian program is strictly peaceful, while the UN Security Council established a one-month deadline for Iran to cease the enrichment, which surely will not be complied with. Still, thus far it is not possible to tell whether Iranians will proceed in their pursuit of the technology needed to build nuclear weapons in spite of the pressure by the US and the EU, or if it will content itself with the current stage. Russia and China, also members of the Security Council, have defended the need for a negotiated solution.
