Periscópio Internacional – 2006 Calendar – june

02-03 – Seminar on Latin America and the European Union. In Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Hosted by the Friedrich Ebert, Jean-Jaures, Pablo Iglesias and Perseu Abramo Foundations.

4 –
Peru’s run-off presidential elections.

06-09 – 9th Central Única dos Trabalhadores National Congress.

12-13 – Meeting of the United Nations Decolonization Committee to address the colonial case of Puerto Rico. In New York, U.S.A. Information

19 – Run-off presidential elections in Colombia.

19-21 – 33rd Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers. In Baku, Azerbaijan.

19-23World Urban Forum. In Vancouver, Canada.

22-242nd World Social Forum on Migrations. In Spain.

29 –
Seminar “Political transparency, the strengthening of democracy and the funding of political parties in the Southern Cone”, organized by the Workers Party International Relations Department and Friedrich Ebert Foundation. In São Paulo, Brazil.
